Pangu Team has just released a new version of the Pangu jailbreak for Windows users.
Pangu 1.2.1 fixes a bug which was causing the program to crash on Windows.
Over the weekend, Pangu team had released Pangu 1.2 jailbreak, which included a fix for the annoying bootloop issue that was affecting iPhone 4s/iPhone 4 users and other bug fixes. It also included afc2, which gives jailbreakers full filesystem access. Earlier, users had to install Saurik’s AFC2 package from Cydia to get full filesystem access.
Here’s the change log of Pangu 1.2.1 and 1.2.0:
1. Fix crash issue in Pangu Windows version.
1. Fix boot loop bug for some iPhone4/4s.
2. Fix sandbox log issue.
3. afc2 is included now.
4. Add patch for task_for_pid.
5. Add notification if jailbreak fail.
The Pangu team had surprised everyone by releasing a jailbreak for iOS 7.1.2 – iOS 7.1 for Windows in June. They had initially used the exploit discovered by security researcher and hacker i0nic, but later released Pangu 1.1, which  used different exploits. The Pangu team was recently nominated for the 2014 Pwnie Awards  for the “Best Privilege Escalation Bug” for the Pangu jailbreak, along with the evad3rs’ team for the evasi0n jailbreak.
You can download Pangu 1.2.1 for Windows and Pangu 1.2.0 for Mac from our download page.
If you were facing the crashing issue on your Windows computer, then you can try again with Pangu 1.2.1. If you need help jailbreaking your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with the Pangu jailbreak then you can follow our guide.
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