Digitimes reported that Apple has increased production of components for the upcoming iPad Air. The second-generation iPad Air is said to sport the same size and resolution as the current one, but will be thinner and faster in comparison. This was cited by sources close to production and it was also noted that the Touch ID fingerprint sensor would be improved upon. The Cupertino-based company supposedly also asked suppliers TPK and GIS to produce full-lamination units of the next generation iPad Air. Apparently, LG Display, Sharp, and Japan Display have seen an increase in order for the iPhone 6. This may mean that screens for the next generation iPhone have already begun mass production. Leaks from before have shown that the iPad Air 2 will have a thinner profile and an anti-reflective coating. It is possible that this iPad Air will be released along with the iPad mini with retina display. Rumors are also going around saying a larger 12.9-inch phablet will be released in the beginning of 2015.
 Source: Digitimes

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